Calculates fire severity as the loss of pre-fire to post-fire biomass (in absolute and percentual terms).

calcSeverityB(cohortData, burnedPixelCohortData)



A data.table with columns: pixelGroup, ecoregionGroup, speciesCode, and optionally age, B, mortality, aNPPAct, and sumB.


An expanded cohortData data.table with pixel-level cohort information on burnt pixels and the following (optional) columns: severity - fire severity in that pixel calculated based on fire behaviour properties; firetolerance - species-level fire tolerance; severityToleranceDif - the difference between severity and firetolerance.


data.table with columns pixelIndex, pixelGroup and severityB (absolute biomass lost) and severityPropB (proportion of biomass lost)


if burnedPixelCohortData does not have a B column, the fire is assumed to be stand replacing (i.e. we assume B to be 0 across all pixels/cohorts in burnedPixelCohortData)