Create a raster of fire perimeters
prepInputsFireYear(..., rasterToMatch, fireField = "YEAR", earliestYear = 1950)
Additional arguments passed to reproducible::prepInputs()
A RasterLayer
objects to use as the template for all subsequent
raster operations (i.e., the one used throughout the simulation).
field used to rasterize fire polys
the earliest fire date to allow
a SpatRaster
layer of fire perimeters with fire year values.
#> terra 1.7.78
#> Attaching package: ‘terra’
#> The following object is masked from ‘’:
#> wrap
#> The following object is masked from ‘package:data.table’:
#> shift
#> The following object is masked from ‘package:LandR’:
#> rescale
#> Attaching package: ‘reproducible’
#> The following object is masked from ‘package:LandR’:
#> rasterRead
options("reproducible.useTerra" = TRUE, "reproducible.rasterRead" = "terra::rast")
targetCRS <- crs(randomStudyArea())
randomPoly <- randomStudyArea(
center = vect(cbind(-115, 50), crs = targetCRS),
size = 1e+7,
buffExt <- buffer(randomPoly, 1e+3) |> ext()
ras2match <- rast(res = 10, ext = ext(randomPoly), crs = crs(randomPoly))
ras2match <- rasterize(randomPoly, ras2match)
firePerimeters <- prepInputsFireYear(
url = paste0("",
destinationPath = tempdir(),
rasterToMatch = ras2match,
earliestYear = 1930
#> No cachePath supplied and getOption('reproducible.cachePath') is
#> inside a temporary directory;
#> this will not persist across R
#> sessions.
#> Running `prepInputs`
#> Running `preProcess`
#> alsoExtract is unspecified; assuming that all files must be
#> extracted
#> No targetFile supplied. Checksumming all files in archive
#> ...downloading...
#> Downloading
#> ...
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#> Hardlinked version of file(s) created:
#> ... no copy/copies made.
#> From:
#> /tmp/RtmpU0Xt8U/
#> Extracting
#> files
#> <char>
#> 1: BNDFFC_documentation_FR.pdf
#> 2: BNDFFC_FR_End-User Agreement.pdf
#> 3: NFDB_documentation_EN.pdf
#> 4: NFDB_EN_End-User Agreement.pdf
#> 5: NFDB_poly_20210707.CPG
#> 6: NFDB_poly_20210707.dbf
#> 7: NFDB_poly_20210707.prj
#> 8: NFDB_poly_20210707.sbn
#> 9: NFDB_poly_20210707.sbx
#> 10: NFDB_poly_20210707.shp
#> 11: NFDB_poly_20210707.shp.xml
#> 12: NFDB_poly_20210707.shx
#> 13: NFDB_poly_20210707_shp_metadata.pdf
#> 14: NFDB_Poly_metadata_NAP_ISO_19115_2003.xml
#> 15: NFDB_Poly_metadata_NAP_ISO_19115_2003_EN.pdf
#> 16: NFDB_Poly_metadata_NAP_ISO_19115_2003_FR.pdf
#> 17: NFDB_poly_update_log.txt
#> ⠙ 9 extracted | 689 MB (233 MB/s) | 3s
#> ⠹ 9 extracted | 1.4 GB (232 MB/s) | 6s
#> ... Done extracting 18 files
#> Appending checksums to CHECKSUMS.txt. If you see this message
#> repeatedly, you can specify targetFile (and optionally alsoExtract)
#> so it knows what to look for.
#> targetFile was not specified. Trying terra::vect on
#> /tmp/RtmpU0Xt8U/NFDB_poly_20210707.shp. If that is not correct,
#> please specify a different targetFile and/or fun.
#> `preProcess` done; took 15.48169 secs
#> Running `process` (i.e., loading file into R)
#> targetFile located at /tmp/RtmpU0Xt8U/NFDB_poly_20210707.shp
#> Loading object into R
#> Warning: In { st_as_sf(, append(list(to = to, maskTo = maskTo, fun = fun), dots)))}(): [vect] Z coordinates ignored
#> Running `postProcessTo`
#> cropping...
#> It looks like the cropping results in no data (do not overlap or
#> no intersection)
#> done! took: 1.69 secs
#> projecting...
#> done! took: 0.00811 secs
#> cropping...
#> It looks like the cropping results in no data (do not overlap or
#> no intersection)
#> done! took: 0.0178 secs
#> postProcessTo done! took: 1.72 secs
#> `prepInputs` done; took 22.66511 secs
#> Saved! Cache file: 4ba5267a80c7f4e3.rds; fn: st_as_sf
if (interactive()) {
plot(randomPoly, add = TRUE)