Replace stand age with time since last fire
replaceAgeInFires(standAgeMap, firePerimeters, startTime)
a raster layer stand age map
the earliest fire date to allow
date of the last fire year to be considered (e.g., start of fire period counting backwards). If missing, last fire year available will be used.
a raster layer stand age map corrected for fires, with an attribute vector of pixel IDs
for which ages were corrected. If no corrections were applied the attribute vector is integer(0)
if (FALSE) {
randomPoly <- vect(randomStudyArea(size = 1e7))
ras2match <- rast(res = 250, ext = ext(randomPoly), crs = crs(randomPoly))
ras2match <- rasterize(randomPoly, ras2match)
tempDir <- tempdir()
standAge <- prepInputsStandAgeMap(destinationPath = tempDir,
rasterToMatch = ras2match,
fireURL = NA) ## or NULL
attr(standAge, "imputedPixID")
firePerimeters <- Cache(prepInputsFireYear,
url = paste0("",
destinationPath = tempDir,
rasterToMatch = ras2match)
standAge <- replaceAgeInFires(standAge, firePerimeters)
attr(standAge, "imputedPixID")