This will download all KNN layers in (Boreal) Forest of Canada, and make
a factor raster at resolution provided by res
(larger is faster).
defaults to use a url of a dataset uploaded to Google Drive that is
from Canadian Boreal Forests, but a different factor raster can be passed e.g.,
from speciesPresentFromKNN
Default (and only implemented) is 2011. This will download the 2011 KNN data layers
Passed to destinationPath
in preProcess
The resolution (one dimension, in m) for the resulting raster
An integer indicating what percent cover a species must have in a pixel to be considered present in that pixel.
A SpatialPolygons*
object used as the principle study region,
passed to reproducible::prepInputs()
A url to get a speciesPresence
raster e.g., from peciesPresentFromKNN
A factor raster where the character string is a string of
species names, separated by 2 underscores, sorted alphabetically. Can be produced
with speciesPresentFromKNN
A SpatRaster
object with 2 layers: "speciesPresent"
is a factor, with
a legend (i.e., it is numbers on a map, that correspond to a legend) and
which represents the number of species in each pixel.
A named list of length 2: speciesRas
is a factor RasterLayer
and speciesList
is a character string containing the unique, sorted
species on the speciesRas
, for convenience.
if (FALSE) {
if (requireNamespace("googledrive", quietly = TRUE)) {
# Make the dataset
speciesPresent <- speciesPresentFromKNN(dPath = "~/data/KNN")
# To upload this:
speciesPresentRas <- terra::rast(speciesPresent)[[1]]
fn <- "SpeciesPresentInCanadianForests.tif"
writeRaster(speciesPresentRas, file = fn)
zipFn <- gsub(".tif", ".zip", fn)
zip(files = dir(pattern = fn), zipFn)
out <- googledrive::drive_put(zipFn)
driveID <- "1Oj78jJBeha5L6XDBBdWDAfimgNjYc9UD"
# Get species list
sa <- LandR::randomStudyArea(size = 1e11)
species <- LandR::speciesInStudyArea(sa)